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What makes a good leader?

Leadership is a powerful topic. What does it really mean?
What are the qualities and competencies that need to be learned? In which realms does it make sense to continually “sharpened the saw”? What does all this have to do with self-leadership and where does a leader find a good and promising path between all the topics and successfully builds teams?


Among the best commentaries on leadership, in my estimation, are the following two: Reinhard Sprenger, management consultant and best-selling author once said that the best leadership is one that you don’t notice. And Götz Werner, founder of the dm drugstore chain, describes good leadership as one that treats and views employees like customers.

Leadership comes from the Old High German fàran, which means to move, to set in motion and is also related to the word ‘to drive’.

Bad leadership means misunderstanding precisely this: wanting to push things along “by force”, so to speak, instead of letting the movement develop “out of itself”, so to speak, and supporting it in the best possible way. And is that always the same with the people I lead? Of course not. It is indeed necessary to develop different leadership styles.

They should be based on the “maturity level” – i.e. how long and how firm is someone already in a task. Secondly, it is an excellent idea to also consider the diversity of people. A more analytically oriented person needs a different approach than a creative, results-oriented one, and
a more emotionally oriented person needs a different leadership approach than someone for whom security and stability are very important. And thirdly, the leadership styles you practise should – yes – be geared to YOU. There is hardly anything more fatal than trying to display some kind of imposed behaviour. Your employees will notice very quickly whether this is authentic or not.

Of course it is good if a leader can make decisions.
Making decisions, or being able to do so when necessary, is a valuable leadership trait. At the same time, it is legitimate to ask, “How do I make the right decision?” This leads to another important trait that makes a good leader: Courage!

Have the courage to include all the experiential knowledge and expertise of your team. On the contrary, let your team decide as much as possible for themselves! – –
At the same time, have the courage to make mistakes. And remain truthful and stay with yourself. Because, of course, your decisions must and should also be based on the company’s goals.

What makes a good leader? Certainly the ability and openness to self-reflection! Looking at yourself and developing yourself contributes to really reaching YOUR team and to “building” a high-performance team.

The Red Thread offers individual leadership coaching, team and leadership development and programmes that can be tailored to YOU. Support for small and medium-sized enterprises is currently available in particular through the programme – it offers numerous opportunities to address these issues. At the Red Thread, these include the TEAM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (TMS®), das TEAM PERFORMANCE SYSTEM. In addition, the TYPUS system, transactional analysis according to Eric Berne as well as various other very practice-oriented tools.

How do you succeed in sustainable implementation and how do you get out of the hamster wheel yourself?
If you have the feeling that this could also have something very directly to do with yourself, you are also cordially invited to visit my second website !

Which of these topics are interesting for you?
What do you wish for in terms of development for yourself, your team(s) and your company?

Please feel free to let me know. – I look forward to hearing from you!

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